The making of the EDgun Leshiy 2

The EDgun Leshiy 2 project wasn’t something that just came out of no where. What you typically see in this industry is an announcement and tons of hype over what is essentially a prototype. Ed did something completely different with this project. He waited to introduce the Leshiy 2 much later into the timeline. So what exactly is that timeline, shot count, pricing, etc etc… I know you’re all wanting that info, and you will get it soon.

In the meantime… lets take a little look at the journey that brings us to today. Checkout the video below.

As a reminder, the realities of manufacturing are going to make the demand much higher than supply initially. A pre order system is being finalized now to make that process fair and transparent. In the meantime, make sure to signup for notifications here: This list will be the first to be notified of when the system goes live. You’ll also be getting details, and a deep dive into the individual parts of Leshiy 2 that make it so special.

Pew Pew,

T Leshiy

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